Are reading assessments effective?
This topic comes up again and again. After one session, a parent will ask, "maybe I should do a reading assessment for my child?" Many pupils have difficulty at school with reading subject matter, understanding text, and also no real interest in books, which stems...

How to do better in school
I dedicate my life to helping pupils succeed. Grownups often tell a child who has difficulties in school, "you can do better," but forget to mention how to do better in school. It is easy to spot problems, and it is even easier to tell somebody to improve. But when...

Reading failure- does it exist?
Opening the gate and watching pupils walk in gives an insight into how the lesson might start. He walked heavily up the stairs. Not very happy. It was after a school outing which he did not particularly enjoy. But he was the one to have asked to come, even though he...

Stress and Reading
What is the connection between stress and reading, between our emotional state and our ability to read? Can children read as soon as they know how to recognize letters and read syllables? Stress and anxiety have a huge impact on our cognitive achievements, and they...

How can I learn to read?
When children come to my clinic with the question – how can I learn to read? I explain to them that everyone learns very differently, and there is no one method that is correct for everyone. Each child reads differently and learns differently, and therefore each...

Do assessments work?
Pupils today are sent for assessments when teachers have difficulty in teaching them. Usually, assessments are done by psychologists who do not have expertise in teaching. Assessments follow students for many years and emphasize a 'learning disability" instead of...