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Everyone needs positive feedback

Everyone needs positive feedback

.   The door opened  to a chubby, dark skinned little boy full of smiles plus a lot of tension in his body which was noticeable by the way he clenched and unclenched his fists. “Hi,” I greeted him, “so happy to meet you.  My name is Bella and yours?” “Yonathan”,...

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Why do we have to learn all subjects?

        In the two former blogs that were posted I talked about left and right brain hemispheres. At the moment I have two pupils, both with the same names, one in high school and the other in junior school.  Both come to me on the same day.  Both...

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Right – Left brain teaching

Right – Left brain teaching

My last blog was about the different way each of us learns according to our dominant hemisphere.  There are those who are  right brained and others who are left brained.  Have I ever asked myself as a teacher what my dominance is?  As a teacher do i differentiate the...

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Why do we need to learn all this?

It invariably comes along – that question that I dread and welcome at the same time WHY DO I NEED TO LEARN ALL THIS?  A question that in my days as a pupil, would never ever be allowed to pass from my thoughts to outer space and it would be kept well hidden under my...

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Who is to blame?

    M was in his matriculation year  and  failing badly,  He was making a nuisance of himself in the classroom and the teachers were loosing patience with him.  He walked around disturbing everyone, giving a slap here and a punch there - almost as if he was...

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whats in a word

whats in a word

  When Randy came  the first time I knew that I had a 'hard nut to crack'.  He was 14 - a difficult age in most cases.  He had had special lessons all his school life and was tired of being  'dragged' off to another one of  these people.   My gut feeling...

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